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Asia - South Asia
Captivity - Before 1800
Indian Rhino
On the 20th of the present month of May 1515, arrived at Lisbon, the noblest city of the whole Luzitania, and at present an excellent emporium, an animal called by the Greeks, rinoceros, and by Indians, ganda. The beast was sent by the most powerful King of the city of Combaia, India, as a prese... |
Asia - South Asia
Text as original
Indian Rhino
Nelli di 20. di questo mese di magio. 1515. giunse qui in Lisbona cita Nobilissima di tuta la Lusitania emporio al presente Excell. uno animale chiamato da greci Rhynoceros et dalli Indi Ganda mandato dal re potentissimo de India della Cita di Combaia a donare a questo serenissimo Emenuel Re di p... |