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Title: Encounters of a rhino kind
Author(s): Stone, L.
Year published: 1993
Journal: REF News
Volume: no. 9
Pages: 3, fig. 1
File: View PDF: 165,8 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
April 1993 will mark the start of another chapter in Bwana's life - he is to be relocated to Lapalala where he was born and placed under the watchful eye of the resident staff.

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Black Rhino
Bwana of Lapalala. Black rhino are notorious for their temperament, quick to charge at the slightest provocation-for this reason it comes ' as no surprise, that they are well-respected inhabitants of the bushveld. One seldom has the opportunity of coming face to face with a live black rhino but...

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