Title: |
On Rhinoceros lasiotis |
Author(s): |
Sclater, P.L. |
Year published: |
1872 |
Journal: |
Athenaeum |
Volume: |
1872 August 24 (no. 2339) |
Pages: |
243 |
File: |
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Asia - South Asia - Pakistan
Distribution - Records
Indian Rhino
In answer to Colonel Strachey, Dr Sclater said that nothing was known of the rhinoceros which within the historic period existed on the Indus; but the examination of caves might bring some of its remains to light. |
Sumatran Rhino
Athenaeum, 24 August 1872. Dr Sclater gave a description of a new species or rhinoceros, Rhinoceros lasiotis, captured near Chittagong, and distinct from R. sumatrensis. Six species of the genus are therefore now known. The animal was living in the Zoological Society's Gardens. |