Title: |
Rhinos in Thailand |
Author(s): |
MacNeely, J.A.; Cronin, E.W. |
Year published: |
1972 |
Journal: |
Oryx |
Volume: |
11 (6) |
Pages: |
457-460, fig. 1, map 1 |
File: |
View PDF: 259,8 kb |
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Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Chaiyaphum Province, in north-east Thailand (16?N., 101?E.) (1 on map), is far from any previously reported rhinoceros localities. In 1967 a report that one had been killed in the Petchabun Mountains of Chaiyaphum was greeted with some scepticism, but it was reinforced in 1970 when another rhin... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
The Forest Reserve, lying roughly between 16?10' - 16?30' N. and 101?25' - 101?75' E., is shaped something like Australia, about 55 kilometres from east to west and 36 north to south; the eastern 60 % of the Reserve forms a dish-like plateau, with the edges rising from the 300-metre plain to 1100... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
With this combination of economic and political pressures, the Thailand rhinos are definitely on their way to extinction, and strong, possibly unpopular, steps are necessary. These should include:
An absolute ban on the sale or possession of any rhino parts; Enforcement of the game laws, with s... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
The Tenasserirn Range forms an interesting zoogeographical boundary, with the Burmese (western) slope covered in tropical rain forest while most of the Thai (eastern) slope is dry deciduous forest. On the Thai side annual dry-season burning by the local people causes a lack of water and green ve... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Between the Tenasserim and the Malay border are Krabi and Trang Provinces (3 on map), where rhino have been reported by local villagers who insist that they are Javan ('raat' in Thai), not Sumatran ('krasoo'). Both provinces, being sparsely populated and covered with tropical rain forest, are su... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Hislop (1965) indicated that there were three to six Sumatran rhinos along the Thai border, with one or two in Perak, bordering on Yala Province (4 on map), and two to four in Kedah, bordering on Songkhla (5 on map). Some of these might occasionally cross the border into Thailand, but this area ... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Hislop (1965) indicated that there were three to six Sumatran rhinos along the Thai border, with one or two in Perak, bordering on Yala Province (4 on map), and two to four in Kedah, bordering on Songkhla (5 on map). Some of these might occasionally cross the border into Thailand, but this area ... |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Of the two rhinos formerly found in Thailand, the Javan is believed now to be extinct there, although the authors of this survey report that some villagers in southern Thailand insist that the rhinos in their area are Javan. |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Rhino hunting is strictly forbidden in Thailand, with a maximum penalty of one year in jail, a $500 fine, or both. Such penalties, however, have never been imposed; the hunter who shot the Sumatran rhino in Chaiyaphum in 1970 was fined $2.50. |
Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
The Sumatran rhino is in desperate straits, with poaching a major threat - not surprisingly when a dead animal can be sold for the equivalent of up to twenty years' wages for a farmer. Their decline is largely due to human factors beginning at least 50,000 years ago (Martin and Wright).
The rhi... |