Title: |
Protecting the black rhino in Damaraland, Namibia |
Author(s): |
Loutit, B.D. |
Year published: |
1984 |
Journal: |
Pachyderm |
Volume: |
4 |
Pages: |
13-14, figs. 1-3, map 1 |
File: |
View PDF: 144,5 kb |
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Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Ecology - Census Methods
Black Rhino
Identikit system. Rhino numbers are carefully monitored by means of an identikit system compiled by Garth Owen-Smith, Karl Peter Erb, and the staff of the Skeleton Coast Park, assisted by Elias Hambo and Bernard Roman. To date 40 rhinos have been identified, most of which have been photographed... |