Title: |
The rhinos of Damaraland - how are they faring? |
Author(s): |
Loutit, B.D. |
Year published: |
1986 |
Journal: |
Quagga |
Volume: |
15 |
Pages: |
30, fig. 1 |
File: |
View PDF: 228,9 kb |
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Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Distribution - Poaching
African Rhino Species
The terrible population crash during the later 1970's and early 1980's was mainly due to poaching and the population dropped from an estimated 100 in Damaraland and 150 in Kaokoland (Gart Owen-Smith, pers comm). The poaching massacre was curtailed by intervention from concerned conservationists ... |
Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
In 1980 the estimated number of Black Rhinoceros in Damaraland was 30 animals, with only 10 in Kaokoland. The terrible population crash during the later 1970's and early 1980's was mainly due to poaching and the population dropped from an estimated 100 in Damaraland and 150 in Kaokoland (Gart Ow... |