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Title: Kenya Colony and Protectorate: Game Department, Annual Report for 1935
Author(s): Kenya Game Department
Year published: 1937
Journal: Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire
Volume: 31
Pages: 31-45
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
The settlers of Nyeri and Ngobit decided, early in the year, that rhino had greatly increased on and in the vicinity of farms and that their numbers must be drastically reduced. The matter was brought into tragic prominence by the death of Mr. H. Carpenter, who, while out riding, was caught and ...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
African Rhino Species
The settlers of Nyeri and Ngobit decided, early in the year, that rhino had greatly increased on and in the vicinity of farms and that their numbers must be drastically reduced. The matter was brought into tragic prominence by the death of Mr. H. Carpenter, who, while out riding, was caught and ...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
This wholesale killing of rhino will be regretted by game lovers, but one should hesitate before condemning it as unjustifiable. The dwellers in the Nyeri area are just as keen on game and game preservation as any other community, perhaps more so; but they have found, many of them by unpleasant ...

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