Title: |
Hadschra Maktuba: urzeitliche Felsbilder Kleinafrikas |
Author(s): |
Frobenius, L.; Obermaier, H. |
Year published: |
1925 |
Publisher: |
Muenchen, Kurt Wolff |
Volume: |
- |
Pages: |
pp. i-vii, 1-62 |
File: |
View PDF: 85,9 kb |
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Africa - Northern Africa
Culture - Countries
African Rhino Species
North Africa. The rhinoceros is quite rare. We know dlearly determinable paintings from South Marocco, and from our times, from Oued-Ain-Raimin, near G?ryville [= ca. El-Kasdir in Algeria, 33.43 N, 1.22 W]. Frobenius found further paintings in el-Korema [el Koraima, Morocco, 29.23 N, 10.8 W]. ... |
Africa - Northern Africa - Morocco
Distribution - Records
African Rhino Species
The rhinoceros is quite rare. We know clearly determinable paintings from South Marocco, and from our times, from Oued-Ain-Raimin, near G?ryville [= ca. El-Kasdir in Algeria, 33.43 N, 1.22 W]. Frobenius found further paintings in el-Korema [el Koraima, Morocco, 29.23 N, 10.8 W]. The classic wr... |