Title: |
Sumatran rhino nutrition |
Author(s): |
Dierenfeld, E.S. |
Year published: |
1995 |
Journal: |
Around the Horn |
Volume: |
3 (1) |
Pages: |
13 |
File: |
View PDF: 1,2 mb |
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Ecology - Food
Sumatran Rhino
Ten browses consumed by Sumatran rhinos in Malaysia contained less cellulose (14 to 23% of DM), but even higher lignin levels (8 to 24%) than black rhino browses, suggesting that south-east Asian forages may be less digestible than African browses. Total cell wall (NDF) averaged 50%; ADF, 27%. C... |
Ecology - Food
Sumatran Rhino
Ten browses consumed by Sumatran rhinos in Malaysia contained less cellulose (14 to 23% of DM), but even higher lignin levels (8 to 24%) than black rhino browses, suggesting that south-east Asian forages may be less digestible than African browses. Total cell wall (NDF) averaged 50%; ADF, 27%. C... |