Title: |
The preputial glands of Ceratotherium |
Author(s): |
Cave, A.J.E. |
Year published: |
1966 |
Journal: |
Mammalia |
Volume: |
30 (1) |
Pages: |
153-159, figs. 1-3 |
File: |
View PDF: 418,1 kb |
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Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
specimen in Copenhagen Zoo. A female of this species, captured in the Little Siak River district, Riau, Sumatra, lived on exhibition in the Copenhagen Zoo from 1959 to 1972 and at death was an estimated 13 years old. Through the courtesy of Professor K. G. Wingstrand, of the Institute of Compar... |
Anatomy - Glands
All Rhino Species
Species other than C.simum. In Diceros bicornis, the form closest to Ceratotherium, preputial papillae comparable to those obtaining in Ceratotherium are not present. L?nnberg (1912) reported no such structures in his specimen of adult Diceros penis, nor could the writer detect any in the spiri... |
Anatomy - Glands
White Rhino
Ceratotherium simum preputial glands. Attention is here directed to the presence of certain hitherto undescribed and histologically peculiar glands which occur in the preputial skin of Ceratotherium and which constitute a most conspicuous external feature of the penile integument.
Preputia... |