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Sardesai, G.S., 1936. Poona Residency correspondence, vol. 2: Poona affairs 1786-1797. Bombay, Government Central Press

Location: Captive
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Sardesai, Govind Sakharam, 1936. Poona Residency Correspondence, volume 2: Poona Affairs 1786-1797 (Malet’s Embassy) . Bombay, Government Press - [223] Letter from C.W. Malet to Earl Cornwallis K.G, Governor General. Dated Poona, 16th December 1791: “Having intimated to this Court that sundry curiosities for the Peshwa sent by the Honorable the Court of Directors at the suggestion of your Lordship are arrived at Bombay, much satisfaction was expressed thereon. [Peshwa wants to recoprocate]. the Minister yesterday signifyed to me the Peshwa’s intention of sending by the ship now under dispatch from B'bay some curiosities of this country to his Majesty and to the Honorable Company as tokens of his respect and regard for His Majesty’s person, the Company’s Government and the British nation, I have in consequence requested the Bombay Govt to inform me of the practicability of the articles in question (amongst which are an elephant, a rhinoceros, an hoise, some antelopes and other animals) being accommodated on the Raymond.

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