Reference Base Untersuchungen zur Sauerstoffsättigungskurve des Breitma... |
Reiners, J., 2021. Untersuchungen zur Sauerstoffsättigungskurve des Breitmaulnashorns (Ceratotherium simum) sowie Evaluierung von Pulsoximetriesensoren für Unpaarhufer (Breitmaulnashorn und Pferd). Thesis presented to Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover , pp. 1-40
Location: |
Africa |
Subject: |
Diseases |
Species: |
White Rhino |
In the first part a new sensor design for pulse oximetry was developed and evaluated in an experimental study in horses. A commercially available sensor for transmission pulse oximetry (Nonin 2000SL) was integrated into the new sensor design for reflectance pulse oximetry. Three prototypes were constructed and used in a desaturation study (100 – 70% SaO2) at the buccal mucosa in thirteen horses. The reference methods were blood gas analysis (SaO2) and invasive pulse frequency measurements. Bias and precision were examined by calculation of the root mean square deviation. The agreement between the two methods was analysed by Bland-Altman analysis. The quality of the pulse frequency measurements determined the quality of the SpO2 measurements. A good pulse signal strength resulted in a SpO2 accuracy which was comparable to that of the original sensor. (Nonin 2000SL: Arms = 3%; N1: Arms = 3,60%; N2b: Arms = 3,46%). Bland-Altman plots showed limits of agreements which are typical of pulse oximeters. In principle, the modified sensor design is suitable for the use in horses. In the second part the absorbance characteristics of oxy- and desoxyhaemoglobin were examined and the oxygen dissociation curve of the white rhinoceros was described. Haemoglobin of four adult white rhinoceroses was isolated and the oxygen dissociation curves were determined at pH 7.2 and pH 7.4 at 37°C. The absorbance spectra were measured under physiological standard conditions. The oxygen dissociation curve showed a marked left shift (p50 of 2,75 ± 0,07 and 2,00 ± 0,04 kPa at pH 7,2 and 7,4). The spectra showed only marginal deviations from human spectra, which can be explained by traces of methaemoglobin in vitro. Our data allow for the development of a species specific algorithm for the calculation of SaO2 in the white rhinoceros. The underestimation of the arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximeters cannot be explained by our unsuspicious absorbance curves.