user: pass:

Brugal, J-Ph.; Argant, A.; Boudadi-Maligne, M.; EvelyneCrégut-Bonnoure, M.; Croitor, R.; Fernandez, Ph.; Fourvel, J-B.; Fosse, Ph.; Guadelli, L.; Labe, B.; Magniez, P., Uzunidis, A., 2019. Pleistocene herbivores and carnivores from France: an updated overview of the literature, sites and taxonomy (Herbivores et carnivores pléistocènes en France: bilan général récent bibliographique, des gisements et de la taxinomie). Annales de Paléontologie 106 (102384): 1-23 -

Location: Europe - Western Europe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
This contribution presents a general account and summary of the research carried out over the past decades on the Quaternary faunas of France. This country is located in the center of Western Europe and presents distinct topographical features and very varied climatic influences. This paper is the result of collaborative work between French teams and different researchers specialized in the palaeontology of large mammals. Over a hundred palaeontological or archaeological sites are mentioned in this review which covers a broad chronological period, ranging from the Early (including the end of Pliocene/Gelasien) and Middle Pleistocene to the Late Pleistocene. One of the aims of this work is to present studies of the main families or subfamilies of herbivores (Equidae, Rhinocerotidae, Bovidae [Bovines, Caprines, Antilopines, and Rupicaprines], Cervidae, Proboscid) and carnivores (Canidae, Ursidae, Mustelidae, Hyenidae, Felidae). It is not exhaustive at the generic and specific level, but details on the taxonomic status, evolutionary levels and biochronological importance of the most important taxa are given alongside an extensive and up-to-date bibliography of French works.

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