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Jeffrey, R., 1863. Friends traveling in the ministry: Extracts from letters dated 21 February 1863. British Friend, a monthly journal chiefly devoted to the interests of the Society of Friends 21 (5): 114-115

Location: Captive
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
21 Feb 1863. We reached Burdwan about 2 AM and found an excellent hotel near the station, a small mansion in a park. After our dinner we took a ghorie, and drove to the maharajah's palace. We could not see him till to-morrow, but he gave us an order to see his palace, gardens &c. The gardens were well kept up with many choice flowers, and tanks abounding with large tame fish. In the menagerie were lions, lionesses, tigers, panthers, giraffes, a rhinoceros, alligators, monkeys, ostriches, pelicans &c.

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