user: pass:

Najaf Koolee Meerza Prince of Persia; Kayat, A.Y., 1839. Journal of a residence in England, and of a Journey from and to Syria of their Royal Highnesses Reeza Koolee Meerza, Najaf Koolee Meerza and Taymoor Meerza of Persia : to which are prefixed some particulars respecting modern Persia and the death of the late Shah. Translated, with explanatory notes, by Assaad Y. Kayat. London, Printed for private circulation only

Location: Captive
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Zoological Gardens of London
[283] There is also an extraordinary rhinoceros (whose likeness is taken by Taymoor Meerza, with whom it may be seen).

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