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Khubanova, A.M.; Klementev, A.M.; Khubanov, V.B.; Posokhov, V.F.; Murzintseva, A.E., 2016. Diet and environment reconstruction of Coelodonta antiquitatis in the late pleistocene by C-N isotope analyses of paleontological material (archeological complex Khotyk and Kamenka, west Transbaikalia). Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change 7 (1): 163-169

Location: Europe
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
C-N isotopic composition of paleontological bone of Coelodonta antiquitatis from the Late Pleistocene (MIS4 and MIS3) archeological Khotyk and Kamenka sites of the Western Transbaikalia are presented in the paper. It is shown that the diet Transbaikalian rhinos were C4-type plants, which testifies to the semi-arid and / or arid climate. It is shown that grazing Transbaikalian rhinos covered different hypsometric levels of midlands: its lowlands were water reservoirs and its slopes and watersheds were dry and /or semi-desert steppes.

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