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Maharanil, A.R.; Sumianto; Nur Alim; Apriawan; Yunus, M.; Mashuri, A.; Sunarwanto; Subagyo, A.; Rustiati, E.L., 2013. Kajian keberadaan badak sumatra (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) di Taman Nasional Way Kambas berdasarkan jebakan kamera. Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi V Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung 19-20 November 2013: pp. 1-5

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Distribution
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In the last 15 years Sumatran rhino is under pressured by illegal hunting and habitat loss. Sumatran rhino is hardly scan in its natural habitat. Research on its existence in Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) was conducted using camera trap and direct survey in July-August 2013 , in collaboration with STTCP. Four its indirect signs found include wallowing pond (n=2), food remain (n=1), twist (n=1) and scraps (n=2). It's once captured by camera showed that Sumatran rhino is still exist in its natural habitat WKNP.

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