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Smith, Andrew, 1829. Dr. Smith’s papers on natural history (continued from the ‘Advertiser’ of May 13th [sic]). South African Commercial Advertiser 4 (no. 213) - 27 June 1829: 2, column 4

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: History
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Rookmaaker 2016, p. 18, no. 55
Rookmaaker, L.C., 2016. The zoological contributions of Andrew Smith (1797–1872) with an annotated bibliography and a numerical analysis of newly described animal species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 72 (2): 105-173 -

Dr. Smith’s papers on natural history (continued from the ‘Advertiser’ of May 13th [sic]). South African Commercial Advertiser, 4 (no. 213): 2, column 4. [27 June 1829]

(Continued from the ‘Advertiser’ of May 13th.)
MALCORUS PECTORALIS. Mihi. – Above dark brown fea-
thers edged and tipt with dirty tawny or pale reddish white;
wing coverts blackish brown narrowly edged and tipt with
tawny; wing feathers dark brown, with their outer vanes
towards quills slightly edged with tawny; sides of head
dark ferruginous; chin and throat pure white; a narrow
black crescent across anterior part of breast; rest of latter
and belly dusky with a shade of brown towards sides; tail
much graduated; two outermost feathers on each side with
their outer vanes reddish white, and their inner ones brown;
all the others entirely brown; legs reddish yellow; bill
and claws dark brown colored; eyes brown. Inhabits the
Karoa country, in the north of the Oliphant’s River, where
it is found moving about amongst the small bushes in seach
of Insects.
MALCORUS GREGALIS. Mihi. – Above green, with a strong
tinge of gray about the back of the neck and commence-
ment of back; chin and throat pure white; wing
caverts greenish brown slightly edged with greenish yellow;
wing feathers inclined to brown, with the edges of their
outer vanes and tips greenish yellow; tail of moderate
length, slightly rounded, and of greenish brown color,
with the exception of the outermost feather on each side,
which is [incllued] in greenish yellow; legs, toes, claws, and
bill, reddish brown. Length of bird nearly five inches.
Inhabits the northern districts of Little Namaqualand.
MALCORUS – – . Mihi. – Front crown and nape
bright reddish brown, with the feathers more or less dis-
tinctly stranded in a longitudinal direction with black;
back, tail coverts, shoulders, and wing coverts black, with
each feather edged by dusky white; quill feathers brown,
with reddish brown edgings to outer vanes; chin and throat
dirty white; breast and belly faint tawny or dirty reddish
white; tail much graduated; feathers above dark blackish
brown edged with reddish white and broadly tipt with the
same; below dirty reddish white with a large black blotch
near the tip of each; legs, toes, and claws, reddish yellow;
bill dark burn colored; eyes brown. Inhabits Zwartland,
and the country to the south of Oliphant’s River, and
is commonly found amongst reeds or high grass about
marshes, streams, or damp grounds.
MALCORUS – – . Mihi. – Above brown, with all the
feathers broadly edged with a clear pale tawny red; tail
rounded; two centre feathers light brown, rest dark brown
with broad white tips; below pure white, with the ex-
ception of the sides which are very lightly tawny, legs and
toes flesh colored; bill brown, more or less inclined to red-
dish white; eyes dark brown. Length of bird about four
inches. Inhabits damp situations along the bank of the
Orange River.
The four birds above described are known to the Dutch
Colonists by the name of ‘Clap claple.’
FURNARIUS SUPERCILIARUS. Mihi. – Above light yellowish
green, beneath white, with the flanks dusky, inside of each
shoulder [hae] yellow; wing feathers greenish brown with
their outer vanea edged towards quill feathers with yellow;
tail rounded, greenish brown, with a slight inclination to
yellow towards the tip of the feathers; a narrow white line
over each eye; legs and toes reddish brown; bill and claws
burn colored. Length of bird four inches and a half. In-
habits the north-east parts of the Colony.
FURNARIUS – – . Mihi. – Above light gray or dove
colored, below white, with the sides of the breast tinged
with gray, and the flanks with pale tawny; quill feathers
brownish, edged on outer vanes with gray; tail slightly
rounded, grayish brown, with the feathers indistinctly edged
on outer vanes towards quills with white; legs, toes, claws,
and bill, horn colored. Length of bird four inches and a
half. Inhabits the north-east district of the Colony.

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