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Smith, Andrew, 1829. Dr. Smith’s papers on natural history (continued from the ‘Advertiser’ of May 13th). South African Commercial Advertiser 4 (no. 205) - 30 May 1829: 2, column 4

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: History
Species: African Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Dr. Smith’s papers on natural history (continued from the ‘Advertiser’ of May 13th). South African Commercial Advertiser, 30 May 1829, vol. 4, no. 205, p.2 column 4.

(Continued from the Advertiser of May 13).

Front, crown, neck, interscapulars, back, upper tail coverts, and shoulders a dull brown; some of the feathers of nape white towards the quills, thereby giving to the back of the neck a little variegated appearance; primary and secondary wing coverts dark dusky brown; primary quill feathers brown, with
their inner vanes more or less banded by white; secondaries the same; tail light brown, crossed by three distinct dark blackish brown bands; tips of all the feathers reddish white; chin, throat, breast, belly, and thighs white, the three latter marked with transverse brownish lines, which are very numerous on the
latter as well as on the flanks; legs and toes yellow; cere dusky yellow; bill and claws dark horn colored. Length of bird seventeen inches. Inhabits the northeastern parts of the Colony.

Front crown and corvex light tawny, with numerous longitudinal narrow black streaks; interscapulars, back, shoulders, and scapulars a darker tawny, with large transverse waved brownish bands; tips of feathers light tawny; primary and secondary wing coverts alternately banded tawny and brown, tips tawny white; primary quill feathers brown, excepting a considerable portion of the inner vanes, each of which is tawny or white; secondaries in color like the coverts; tail rounded with numerous transverse bands of blackish brown and more or less pure white; chin, throat, and thighs plain tawny; breast and belly the same, with longitudinal black streaks, except on the flanks where they are transverse; legs, toes, and cere yellow; claws dark horn colored; base of upper mandible greenish blue, tip dark horn colored, base of lower yellowish; apex dusky. Length of bird about fifteen inches. Inhabits little Namaqualand.

Upper parts dirty brown; many of the feathers tipped with reddish white, particularly those of the shoulders; primary and secondary wing coverts, as well as primary and secondary quill feathers, brown, tipped with reddish white; upper tail coverts partly white and partly brown; tail rounded and of a brown color,with each feather crossed towards its middle by two transverse white bands, in addition to a whitish base and apex; front white, with a distinct line of a similar color extending from it over each eye, and another, though less extensive, below the orbit; cheeks dark brown, and immediately behind them a complete collar of erect clear reddish white feathers; under parts tawny white; eyes dark brown; legs and toes yellowish; claws dark horn colored: cere yellow; bill nearly black. Length of bird sixteen inches. Inhabits Little Namaqualand, and the country about the Oliphant’s River. Probably a young bird in its first or second plumage. – –
(To be continued.)

Rookmaaker 2016, p. 18, no. 53
Rookmaaker, L.C., 2016. The zoological contributions of Andrew Smith (1797–1872) with an annotated bibliography and a numerical analysis of newly described animal species. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 72 (2): 105-173 -

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