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Manuel, J., 2005. Harappan environment as one variable in the preponderance of rhinoceros and paucity of horse. Puratattva 35: 21-27

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Excavations at different Harappan sites reveals a large number of evidence of rhinoceros both in the form of bones and art, namely: terracotta figures and seals. The depiction of rhinoceros in rock art is known from the Mesolithic times. The sites include those of Mirzapur region, Harni Harna, Bhimbetka, Ram Chajja in Raisen district, Pachmarhi in Hoshangabad district, Chaturbhujnath Nala in Mandsaur district and Tarsang near Godhra. The evidence of the earliest domesticated horse comes from Baghor in Sindhi district of Madhya Pradesh, datable to 4500 B.C. and Mahagra, early Neolithic site located in Allahabad district. Horse is noticed from many Harappan sites also, e.g., Lothal, Kalibangan, Harappa, Mohenjo-daro belonging to mature and late Harappan phases. Discusses the environmental inferences also. The preponderance of rhinoceros and the paucity of horses in the mature Harappan period were mainly due to the humid environment.

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