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Korotkevich, E.L., 1988. Istorya Formirovanya Gipparionovoy Fauny Vostochnoy Evropy [History of the Hipparion-fauna Formation in Eastern Europe] [in Russian]. Institut Zoologii im. “I.I. Shmal’gauzena”, Naukova Dumka, Kiev: 160 pp.

Location: Europe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
The entire volume contains 160 pages. Here are: the volume index, the "foreword", and the "introduction" (pp. 1-6), those pages concerning rhinoceroses (pp. 56, 101-124), the full bibliographic list (pp. 150-160), and all the plates showing rhinoceros remains (XVII, XX, XXII, and XXVII).

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