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Vereshchagin, N.K., 1959. Mlekopitayushchie Kavkaza – Istorya Formirovanya Fauny [Mammals of Caucasus – A History of the Faunal Evolution] [in Russian]. Akademya Nauk Azerbayjanskoy SSR, Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moskva/Leningrad: 703 pp.

Location: Asia
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
Here are only: the original volume cover, the general index, and the map showing the "author's way".
An English translation of the full work – translated from Russian by A. Lerman & B. Rabinovich, edited by M. Loeb, chief editor E.N. Pavlovsky, editor of this volume A.A. Strelkov, 816 pp. – is available on-line (46,1 Mb): Biodiversity Heritage Library,
A part of the same volume is also available here (vide: Vereshchagin N.K., 1959. Mammals of Caucasus – A History of the Evolution of the Fauna).
Professor Nikolaj Kuz’mich Vereshchagin (november 21, 1908–november 8, 2008) was a famous Russian zoologist, geologist, palaeontologist.

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