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Gromova, V.I., 1932. Novye materialy po chetvertichnoy faune Povolzh’ya i po istorii mlekopitayushchikh Vostochnoy Evropy i Severnoy Azii voobshche (S prediesloviem prof. P.A. Pravoslavleva) [New material on the Quaternary fauna from Lower Volga and history of the mammals of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia in general (with a prologue by Prof. P.A. Pravoslavlev)] [in Russian, German summ.]. Trudy Komissii po Izuchenyu Chetvertichnogo Perioda, Izd-vo AN SSSR, Leningrad; II: 69-184, Pls I-V.

Location: Europe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
Here are pags 69-75 (introduction), 153-157 (Rhinocerotidae/Elasmotheridae), 167-177 (on the "Volga fauna"), 178-180 (German abstract), plate V (figs 1-2).

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