user: pass:

Gromova, V.I., 1952. Gippariony (rod Hipparion) po Materialom Taraklii, Pavlodara i drugim [Hipparions (gen. Hipparion) on the basis of the material from Tataklya, Pavlodar and others]. Trudy Paleontologicheskogo In-ta, Akademya Nauk SSSR, Iz-vo AN SSSR, Moskva; XXXVI: 1-478, Pls I-XIII.

Location: World
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
The entire volume is a monograph on numerous Equidae species. Nevertheless, some rhinoceros species are cited as well: Aceratherium incisivum, Rhinoceros sansaniensis, R. orientalis, R. pachygnatus, R. schleiermacheri, R. megarhinus, R. mercki, and R. etruscus (see "Tabliza 1", pp. 20-21). The pages 24-26 ("Glava III" [Chapther III]) regard the "origin of the material and its general review". The remaining pages (401-406) contain the full bibliographic reference list.

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