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Cigala-Fulgosi, F., 1976. Dicerorhinus hemitoechus (Falconer) del Post-Villafranchiano fluvio-lacustre del Torrente Stirone (Salsomaggiore, Parma) [German & English abstr-s]. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Modena 15 (1): 59-72, 3 Pls., 2 figs., 4 tabs.

Location: Europe
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
The specimen was later re-attributed to Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis (Toula).
The skull preservs the mandible as well.
This fact is rather rare in remains from "alluvioni padane" (Padane alluvial deposits).

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