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Anonymous, 1756. Exhibition of rhinoceros in London. Newspaper clippings in John Johnston Collection (Animals on show 2)

Location: Captive
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Advertisement in London publication
Magazine unknown

John Johnson collection, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Animals on show 2 (52c)

Date unknown, only 1756 added in manuscript

English text of advertisement
The surprising great animal, called Rhinoceros, alive, being the only one of that kind in Europe; its nose is armed with a horn to fight the elephant, whose conqueror it generally is; its hide is covered with shells, and he looks like a man in armour; its paws are short and thick, like the elephant; it can swim and dive like a duck; was brought over from Bengal, is as tame as a lamb, being caught very young, and for two years has run round the tables of gentlemen and ladies like a lap-dog. This animal consumes daily 70 pounds of hay, and 25 pounds of bread, drinks 14 pails of water, is 18 years of age, 12 feet thick, and of 6000 pounds weight.
The Royal Family, and nobility and gentry, have seen this animal with great satisfaction. This creature may be seen from eight in the morning till six, at 2s the first place, 1s the second, and 6d the third, in a tent at the Horse and Groom in Lambeth Marsh.

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