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Buckland, C.T., 1890. Some Indian wild beasts. Longman's Magazine 16 (June): 220-234

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Captivity
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
*See comments in Rookmaaker 2011 IZN p.24-25

When our large rhinoceros in the Calcutta Zoo died, I wrote to every native prince and potentate of my acquaintance to to beg for a new specimen, but they had none to spare. At last I wrote to an old friend, a native magistrate, named Tyjumal Ali, as follows: “My dear Sir—When I was a magistrate and you were a policeman, if I ordered you to catch a thief, you caught him. Now you are a magistrate in the Sunderbunds I want you to catch a rhi noceros for the Zoo, and am sure you will not fail.” My friend replied, urging the difficulties of the case, but promising to do his best. Several months passed, when one day a man appeared with a letter to me. “ Honored Sir,—Herewith I send you a rhinoceros, which my shikaris have caught after much labor. They shot the mother and then secured the young one. Please forgive me for sending such a small one, but it will soon get bigger. I am your obedient servant, Tyjumal Ali.” It was a dear little beast, and quite gentle, so that a man could ride on it. It grew very fast, but it got fever when its large teeth began to come, and so it died.

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