Dear colleagues,
Best wishes for a good 2007. This is the sixth quarterly e-newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center to alert you of recent books and articles about the rhinoceros. If you want to add others to this service, or unsubscribe, send me an email (
In the past quarter I have added 72 new references, which brings the total number of items in the database to 11.113.
Below I have listed new entries published since 2000. The older ones will appear on once the database is updated.
Remember that anything not listed here might be a welcome addition to the RRC database.
Thank you,
Dr Kees Rookmaaker Chief Editor of the Rhino Resource Center
c/o IUCN Species Survival Programme 219c Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0DL United Kingdom
General literature (all continents)
Anonymous, 2006. Breves de rhinos (Gaby au Zoo du Cerza; et Gilou a Thoiry; des rhinoceros noirs au Parc de Doue-La-Fontaine; Braconnage de rhinos; Espoir pour le rhinoceros le plus rare au monde). Lettre de la Secas, no.47:15, figs. 1-2. Bruneau de Mire, P., 2006. La mouche et le rhino. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 5, fig. 1. Cazes, M., 2006. Emergence et evolution des Rhinocerotides. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 8, figs. 1-3 Dean, C., 2006. The prepoceros rhinoceros. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 3. Dean, C., 2006. Tom Foose: a global icon for rhino conservation. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 24. Dieckhofer, P.; Perret, M. & Christian, A., 2006. Mogliche Ursachen des Hornabriebs bei in Zoos gehaltenen Spitzmaulnashornern (Diceros bicornis). Zoologische Garten, 76 (2): 93-114, figs. 1-5. Fulconis, R., 2006. Des nouvelles de la nature. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 6-7, figs. 1-6. Fulconis, R., 2006. Events: The rhino m'aidez. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 22-23. Hinten, J., 2006. Waarom wordt iemand donateur van de Neushoorn Stichting? Neushoorn Magazine, 9 (14): 16-17, figs. 1-5. International Rhino Foundation, 2006. Thomas J. Foose 1945-2006. [no place], IRF, pp. 1-16. Meer, R. van der, 2006. 2006, een belangrijk jaar voor de neushoorns en voor de Neushoorn Stichting. Neushoorn Magazine, 9 (14): 4-5, figs. 1-3. Meer, R. van der, 2006. In blijde verwachting: een introductie van het Neushoorn Adoptie Plan. Neushoorn Magazine, 9 (14): 15, fig. 1. Meer, R. van der, 2006. Neushoorn 'baby boom' in de dierentuinen. Neushoorn Magazine, 9 (14): 9, figs. 1-2. Meer, R. van der, 2006. EAZA Neushoorn campagne. Neushoorn Magazine, 9 (14): 7, figs. 1-4. Mol, D. & Oosterbaan, A., 2004. De wolharige neushoorn. Leiden, Neushoorn Stichting Nederland, pp. 1-32 [illustrated book about the woolly rhino, available from the publishers] Pfeffer, P., 2006. Larmes de crocodile pour les rhinoceros. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 4, fig. 1. Rhino Keeper Association, 2006. Various notes. The Crash, 1 (3). Rookmaaker, L.C., 2007. Review of De Asua and French, A new world of new animals. Annals of Science, 64 (1): 132-133. [no rhino content] Skipwith, J., 2006. The art of the rhino. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 28.
African Rhinos
Anonymous, 2006. West African black rhino feared extinct. Species, 46: 31. Back, D., 2006. Zambia: relocating rhinos. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 17. Brooks, M., 2006. African Rhino. Species. 46: 14. Dean, C., 2006. Namibia: Opel Zoo's grant is put to immediate good use. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 14. Dyer, M., 2006. Pulling down the fences in Laikipia. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 5. Fleischer, P., 2006. Not just a jolly day out for kids in Mkomazi. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 11. Ito, A. & Hoven, W.van, 2006. New entodiniomorphid ciliates from the intestine of the wild African white rhinoceros belong to a new family, the Gilchristidae. European Journal of Protistology, 42 (4): 297-307, figs. 1-29 IUCN, 2006. Extinction probable du rhino noir de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 4. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, 2006. [Notes]. Newsletter Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, no. 22: 1-12. Moller, R., 2006. Lewa's white rhino - past and present. Newsletter Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, no. 22: 3, fig. 1. Moller, R., 2006. Mokora - the sole survivor. Newsletter Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, no. 22: 4, figs. 1-2. Muir, L., 2006. Tanzania: Company passionate about conservation. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 10. Musyima, J., 2006. Tackling the water problem in Laikipia. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 4. Penzhorn, B.L., 2006. Babesiosis of wild carnivores and ungulates. Veterinary Parasitology, 138 (1): 11-21, tables 1-4. Purchase, D., 2006. Zimbabwe: "Rhino op" in Matusadona. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 16-17. Reilly, M., 2006. Nieuws van de Biggame Parks. Neushoorn Magazine, 9 (14): 10-13, figs. 1-6. Rice, M.B. & Jones, Martin, 2006. Characteristics of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) bedding sites. African Journal of Ecology, 44: 452-457, fig. 1, tables 1-2. Rookmaaker, L.C., 2006. The first photographs of a rhinoceros. Swara, 29 (3): 54-55, figs. 1-2. Tims, N., 2006. S.Africa: a pool of rhino know-how. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 18-19. Tytelman, V. & Treillard, K., 2006. Les Africains. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 9, figs. 1-2.
Asian Rhinos
Acharya, D., 2007. A report about rhino poaching in Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Kathmandu, Media Consultancy, pp. 1-13. Broberg, G., 2006. Review of Faust, Zoologische und Botanische Einblattdrucke. Svenska Linnesallskapets Arsskrift, 2006: 167-171, fig. 1. [with a previously unknown illustration of “Clara” the Dutch rhinoceros in Amsterdam in the 1740’s] Carpentier, H., 2006. Les rhinoceros du Vietnam: deux ou trois survivants? Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 14-15, fig. 1. Dierenfeld, E.S., Kilbourn, A., Karesh, W., Bosi, E., Andau, M. & Alsisto, S. 2006. Intake, utilization, and composition of browses consumed by the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harissoni) in captivity in Sabah, Malaysia. Zoo Biology, 25 (5): 417-431, tables 1-7. Grundmann, E., 2006. Sur les traces des derniers rhinoceros de Sumatra. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 12, figs. 1-2. Hazu Hassan, M., 2006. Badak Sumatera mendapat perhatian Honda-WWF. Utasan Malaysia, 11: 12. Martin, E.B., 2006. The right way to save a rhino (in Nepal). BBC Wildlife, 2006 November: 32, fig. 1. Morar, D., Tyhaar, E., Negrea, A., Hendriks, J., Haarlem, D.van, Godfroid, J., Michel, A.L. & Rutten, V.P.M.G.2007. Cloning, sequencing and expression of white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and the production of rhinoceros IFN-γ specific antibodies. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 115 (1/2): 146-154, figs. 1-4. Rieches, R.G., 2006. India: new pastures for greater one-horned rhinos. The Horn Newsletter, 2006 Autumn: 25. Rookmaaker, L.C. & Carpentier, H., 2006. Premieres mentions de rhinoceros sur l'ile de Hai-Nan. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 5. Treillard, K., 2006. Une Limousine contre un Panzer: le sauvetage du rhino indien dans les annees soixante. Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 13, fig. 1. Tytelman, V., 2006. La menagerie royale de Versailles (III). Lettre de la Secas, no.47: 22-23, figs. 1-4.