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Wroughton, R.C., 1920. Summary of the results from the Indian Mammal Survey of the Bombay Natural History Society. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 27 (2): 301-322

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Species in SE Asia. Genus Rhinoceros, key to subgenera
A. Single horn on the nose - I. Rhinoceros
B. Two horns on the nose - II. Dicerorhinus
Subgenus 1. Rhinoceros
no. 334, unicornis L. - fold in front of the shoulder not continued over the back of the neck; skin of sides bearing tubercles.
no. 335, sondaicus Desm. Fold in front of shoulder continued over back of neck; skin of sides divided into small polygonal scales.
Subgenus 2. Dicerohinus
no. 336, sumatrensis
With two forms:
A. skull narrow, tooth-row short, s.sumatrensis
B. Skull broader, tooth-row longer s. lasiotis

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