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Matschie, P., 1918. Bemerkungen uber F.A.A. Meyers Systematisch-summarische Uebersicht der in funften Bandes von Bruces Reisen beschriebenen Tiere. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1918 (3): 98-103

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Comments on Friedrich Albrecht Anton Meyer's 1793 revision of the travels mentioned by Bruce in the fifth volume of his travels to discover the source of the Nile.
Rhinoceros bicornis
Bruce used, as correctly noticed by Blumenbach and Wagner, the figure published by Buffon, vol.9 pl.VII of a rhinoceros exhibited in Paris, and instead of one horn drew two horns.
Wagner founded his Rhinoceros cucullatus on the rhinoceros in the Museum of Munich, which is very similar to that in Bruce's plate (Schreber's S?ugthiere, bd. 6, p. 317). The origin of the animal is not known.
Other comments were provided by Hartmann (Z.Ges.Erdkunde, 1868, 3: 366; Th.v. Heuglin, Reise in Nordost Afrika, 1877, II: 95 and Wagner in Schreber's Saug. 1855: 516.
Bruce wrote that he procured the specimen in the plate near Tscherkin in the vicinity of Ras el Feel north of Lake Tana.

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