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Allen, G.M., 1939. A checklist of African mammals. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 83: 1-713

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
CERATOTHERIUM SIMUM SIMUM (Burchell). Square-lipped or White Rhino
Rhinoceros simus Burchell, Bull. des Sci. Soc. Philomatique, Paris, p. 97, pl., f.1, 2, 1817. Interior of South Africa, near lat. 26? S.
Rhinoceros canus Griffith, Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, 5: 292, 1827. Southern Africa.
Rhinoceros burchellii Lesson, Manuel de Mammalogie, p. 332, 1827. Interior of Cape of Good Hope. Apparently based on the Rhinoc?ros de Burchell of Desmarest, Encyclop. M?thodique, Mammalogie, 2: 401, 1822.
Rhinoceros oswellii Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, for 1853, p. 46, text-f., 25 July 1854. Interior of South Africa.
Rhinoceros crossii Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, for 1854, p. 250, text-f., 11 Apr. 1855. No locality. The specimen on which this species was founded is a horn, which though re- ferred by Trouessart to Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (Cuvier), has more the appearance of being that of the White Rhino.
Range: Formerly parts of South Africa from Orange River north to the Zambesi. Now extinct except in a protected area of Zululand, Natal.

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