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Allen, G.M., 1939. A checklist of African mammals. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 83: 1-713

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinoceros brucii Lesson, Nouv. Tabl. R?gne Animal, Mamm., p. 159, 1842. Said by Schwarz (Ergebn. Zweiten Deutsch. Zentr.-Afr.-Exped. 1910-11, 1: 870, June 1920) to be a valid name based on Blainville's 'Rhinoc?ros d'Abissinie,' from Tscherkin, between Bahr Salaam and Atbara River, northwestern Abyssinia. Hollister states that it is a nomen nudum.
Rhinoceros cucullatus Wagner, Schreber's S?ugthiere, Suppl., 6: 317, pl. 317F, 1835. No locality, but perhaps East Africa; unidentifiable. 'Perhape refers to an Asiatic species' (Hollister, N., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 99, pt. 3, p. 136, 1924).
Rhinoceros bicornis somaliensis Potocki, Sport in Somaliland, p. 82, 1900. Ogaden, Abyssinia.

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