user: pass:

Gee, E.P., 1959. The Great Indian rhinoceros (R. unicornis) in Nepal: Report of a fact-finding survey, April-May 1959. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 56 (3): 484-510, pls. 1-3, maps 1-3

Location: World
Subject: Trade
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Most of the rhino poachers in Nepal take refuge first in the hills and then make their way to India, where the horns probably pass through the port of Calcutta to the Far East. The possession and sale of rhino produce is illegal in India, if the place of origin is Assam or Bengal. But if the origin is Nepal, it is probable that the transit through and export from India would not be considered illegal under existing laws and rules.

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