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Brett, R.A., 1998. Mortality factors and breeding performance of translocated black rhinos in Kenya: 1984-1995. Pachyderm 26: 69-82, figs. 1-8, tables 1-2

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Diseases - Reasons of death
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Release in Kenya 1984-1995. Intraspecific fighting of translocated rhinos in the first two years after introduction to new reserves in Kenya was the major mortality factor affecting all sex and age groups. High levels of fighting mortality in translocated populations have also been recorded in southern African populations since 1989, accounting for 41 % of natural deaths. Overall mortality of translocated rhinos has been similar (24% of 148 translocated rhinos, vs.. 21% for Kenya: 1984-95). Intraspecific fighting is clearly a major problem facing rhino managers in translocating animals to form new populations, and in particular, in introducing rhinos to established populations. This factor clearly needs to be reduced in order to promote the rapid growth of translocated populations.

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