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Martin, E.B., 1990. Survey of wildlife products for sale in Saudi Arabia, with particular emphasis on rhino horn. Traffic Bulletin 11 (4): 66-68, map 1, tables 1-2

Location: World
Subject: Trade
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
During late 1970a and 1980s, quantities of rhino horn from eastern Africa were imported in Saudi Arabia, in particular Jeddah. None of thsi remained in saudi Arabia, but was re-exported to North Yemen and the Far East.
John Grainger, survey in Nov 1980, in King Khalid Street in Jeddah, found 13 rhino horns (probably from Tanzania) in one shop alone. Most of the rhino horn was sold to North Yemenis who took them back to their own country to make 'jambia' dagger handles. Perhaps a small amount of rhino may have been sold in herbalist's shops in Jeddah.
In 1984-87, no rhino horn for sale. Antique dagger handles from Yemen were being offered for sale in Jeddah, also in Khamis Mushayt, but nobody was carving them there, as had been done in 1985.
1988, Riyadh's Sofat district of Deerah, out of 9 antique shops, 5 offered daggers with rhino horn handles prized from $750-1870. Most brought to Riyadh from Yemen. Others came from najran, in extreme south. Most daggers were purchased by Bedus and tourists.
In Jeddah, antique daggers with rhino horn handles were for sale prized $1870 to 8000, purchased by Yemenis, Omanis and Saudis.
IN SW of country, survey to see if local Yemenis made rhino horn handles. In Abha (Asir prov.) No workshops. In Khamis Mushyat, 15 workshops where daggers are repaired and assembled. Not made from new imports. Old and new rhino handles already carved in Yemen are sold. Price of new ones, biggest $1070; antiques $855-1875.
Najran, handles are not locally carved but sold. Most expensive rhino horn handle, with silver scabbards, sold $5356, cheapest ca. $400.

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