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Anonymous, 1997. Rhino horns worth L3m seized in London. Zimbabwe Wildlife 86: 28

Location: World
Subject: Trade
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
The world's biggest seizure of rhino horns, worth almost ? 3 million was made by police in London recently after a tip off to the RSPCA. The 105 horns, weighing 240 kilos. Detectives from the South East regional Crime Squad raided two garages in Kensington, West London. Three men were arrested there, and a woman wa staken into custody later in Norwich. Detective Inspector Haslett Schofield, who led yesterday's operation, said that many of the horns were old and were probably trophies from private collections. 'They were from animals shot much earlier this century. If no museum takes them, they will be destroyed in an incinerator.'

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