Anonymous, 2001. Howletts and Port Lympne, 1999-2000. International Zoo News 48 (2): 119-125
Location: |
Captive - Europe |
Subject: |
Captivity - Zoo Records |
Species: |
Black Rhino |
The black rhino herd grew with the birth of a second male calf to Addo and Nakuru in October 1999. The following month Jaga, a seven-year old female, arrived from Dvur Kralove, and settled in quickly. After a couple of months, we introduced her to the male Baringo; they got on well for two weeks, until he suddenly attacked her so fiercely that she had to be rescued. She was then put in with two younger animals to restore her confidence, and we hope soon to try mixing her with breeding bulls again. There have been some serious health problems in the herd: a female calf born in November 1999 died in March, and the postmortem showed a blockage of lucerne in her stomach. The 30 year-old cow Naivasha had a benign tumour removed from her leg and made a complete recovery. Naivasha's daughter Arusha, however, had a much more serious problem; she developed a nasty growth in her mouth, which was diagnosed by pathologists as a haemangiosarcoma - a particularly unpleasant form of cancer. Prognosis was deemed extremely poor. She was sedated seven times in three months over the summer for the tumour to be frozen and cut back, only for it to re-appear, sometimes within days of the last sedation. Eventually, however, it seemed to disappear, and at the time of writing we are cautiously optimistic. At 30 September 2000, our black rhino herd numbered 19 (7.12) animals.