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Uganda Game Department, 1950. Uganda: extracts from the Annual Report of the Game Department for the year ended 31st December, 1949. Oryx 1: 89-99

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Although normally quiet and inoffensive, they sometimes become aggressive. A game guard on patrol near Laufori in West Madi came on a white rhino cow which had shortly before given birth to a calf. She not unnaturally resented his intrusion and chased him into a river. A tragedy occurred at Rigbo to a man who was cultivating his shamba. He had started work when he saw 2 white rhino under a nearby tree. He began to run for his house and the cow rhino gave chase, gaining rapidly. Realizing that he was being overtaken, the man turned round and hit the rhino over the head with his hoe. This failed to turn the animal which gored him, causing fatal injuries.

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