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Jarofke, D., 1983. Milchzusammensetzung beim Spitzmaulnashorn (Diceros bicornis). Bongo, Berlin 7: 111-112

Location: Captive - Europe
Subject: Reproduction
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In Berlin Zoo, female was born on 23 Dec 1981. No milk could be collected from the mother Kitani (wild caught at 3 years of age) during the first days, only after mother and calf had accepted the keeper. Quantities of 6-15 ml were collected.
Day Date Dilution Fat Albumen Lactose
29 20.1.82 6 + 6 ml 1:1 0.70% 1.66 6.28
30 21.1.82 6 + 6 ml 1;1 0.72% 1.68 6.54
33 24.1.82 10.7 + 0 ml 1.13% 1.71 6.30
34 25.1.82 1.6 + 14.4 ml 1;10 1.50% 1.9 6.7
Comparing the results with those published by Grzimek, Greed, Aschaffenburg and Gregory, it shows that the albumen is comparable, between 1.5 and 1.9%. For fat we found values between 0.7 and 1.5%, which is much higher than those published. We assume that the high values resulted from the fact that we only took very small mil samples. The lactose values are again similar to those reported.

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