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Mentis, M.T., 1972. A review of some life history features of the large herbivores of Africa. Lammergeyer 16: 1-89

Location: World
Subject: Reproduction
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Age at sexual maturity. In captive rhinos:
First mating male 7 yrs male & female 4 ? yrs female 7 yrs
female 9 yrs
First successful mating male & female 6 yrs female 8 yrs
In wild rhino:
The following are observations of Goodard (1970) at Ngorongoro
F 1961 4.7-5.7* Produced female calf Dec. 1967
F 1961 3.8-5.0* Produced male calf Jan.-March l967
M Oct. 1962 4.3 Mating 17.2.67
F Aug. 1963 4.5 Mating 3.2.68; Produced male calf June 1969

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