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Uganda Game Department, 1954. Uganda: extracts from the Annual Report of the Game Department for the year ended 31st December, 1952. Oryx 2 (5): 302-307

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
A game ranger moving down a track towards the Aswa River in Acholi in his Landrover, came upon a black rhino which appeared unexpectedly out of the long grass. He reversed slowly and the rhinoceros disappeared. Thinking it had gone he drove on until he came to a culvert that was obviously too weak to bear the weight of the vehicle. He reversed again and, while doing so, another rhino appeared and charged down the path towards him. The situation was becoming embarrassing when the rhino ran onto the culvert which immediately collapsed in a shower of earth, dust and dried sticks. Somewhat shaken the rhino ambled off into the grass again to the profound relief of the game ranger.

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