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Carter, T.D.; Hill, J.E., 1942. Notes on the lesser one-horned rhinoceros, Rhinoceros sondaicus, 1. A skull of Rhinoceros sondaicus in the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum Novitates 1206: 1-3, pl. 1

Location: World
Subject: Morphology - Skull
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
While comparing skulls of Recent Indian rhinoceroses with skeletal remains of a fossil Chinese rhinoceros, Dr. E. H. Colbert discovered a skull that did not belong to the species R. unicornis, although it was so labeled and had been purchased as such. The molar teeth with anterolateral buttresses, narrow horn-boss, slender premiaxillae, angular zygomatic arches and small size of the skull (the specimen was adult) were diagnostic of the lesser one-horned rhinoceros. The identification was confirmed by us and by reference to figures of the skull of R. sondaicus in Osborn (1898, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1, Art. 3, pp. 97, 117, 118, Figs. 14, 29, 30, 31). This specimen is thought to be of general interest, since the skull is the fourth one in the museums of the United States.
The skull is that of an adult, with M 3/3 beginning to show wear and P 4/4 well worn. All sutures are obliterated except the premaxillo-maxillary and pterygo-palatine, and these are partly obliterated. The horn-boss is well developed, indicating a relatively large horn; the animal was probably a male, since the horn is rudimentary in females. The dentition is un- fortunately incomplete, but the following teeth are present
Right upper M1/M2, lower I, P3-M3
left upper P3-M3, lower I, P3-M3

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