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Boever, W.J., 1974. Interdigital papilloma in a black rhinoceros. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association 165 (9): 823, fig. 1

Location: World
Subject: Translocation - Immobilization
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
A 9-year old male black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) weighing approximately 1100 kg, developed slight tenderness of the front feet and excessive tissue growth in interdigital space between the 2nd (medial) and 3rd (central) digits of both front feet (fig.1).
For immobilization, etorphine hydrochloride (M99, American Cyanamid Company, Princeton, NJ) (2 mg.) and acepromazine (Ayerst Laboratories Incorporated, New York, NY) (25 mg.) were given intramuscularly by means of a projectile syringe fired from a CO2-- powered pistol. Within 6 minutes, the rhinoceros started circling. After another 12 minutes, the rhinoceros walked with the classical ?goose-step,' an exaggerated lifting and placing of the forelimbs. The rhinoceros was then forcibly pulled to its side, before it became excited. It remained in lateral recumbency for the remainder of the procedure.

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