user: pass:

Muellenmeister, K.J., 1978. Meer und Land im Licht des 17 Jahrhunderts, vol 2: Tierdarstellungen in werken Niederlaendischer Kunstler A-M. Bremen, Carl Schunemann Verlag

Location: World
Subject: Culture - Art
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Drawing of Javan rhinoceros ascribed to Philips Angel, Middelburg 1616-1683. ?Renoceros', watercolour on paper 183 x 239 mm, signed left side at the foot of the meadow: P. Angel fecit. Origin: Auction Van Wassenaer Obdam, 1750, Dutch collection. See L.J. Bol. Oud Holland, LXIV, Amsterdam I/1949, nr. 34.

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