Reference Base Zur derzeitigen Situation der Breitmaulnashoerner weltweit |
Ochs, A., 2000. Zur derzeitigen Situation der Breitmaulnashoerner weltweit. Bongo, Berlin 30: 129-131
Location: |
Captive - World |
Subject: |
Captivity - Zoo Records |
Species: |
White Rhino |
From the age distribution of white rhinos in captivity is shown that most animals are now on either side of the middle age. It is positive that especially in the USA increasingly more rhinos are kept in larger groups. In Europe we are concerned about the large number of collections where 1 or 2 animals are kept, not contributing to the reproduction. There are also quite a few animals over 15 years old, too late for reproduction. The EEP-coordinator should try to increase the size of the populations by adding older animals which can contribute as a catalyst for younger animals.