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Christison, A.F.P., 1945. A note on the present distribution of the Sumatran rhinoceros ( Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) in the Arakan district of Burma. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 45 (4): 604-605, map 1

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Myanmar (Burma)
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Observations made by officers during recent campaign from autumn 1943 to May 1945. Visual records were very few indeed. During the whole period only three were seen by British officers. Tracks were seen at rare intervals, and droppings and wallows were pointed out by locals. On only two occasions were tracks pointed out as belonging to a cow followed by a calf. The distribution stated in map shows 5 areas where rhinoceros still exists: two areas N.E. and East of Paletwa; one area east of Myohaung; one area east of Myebon; one area east of Sandoway.
Three specimens seen: 1. Jan. 1944 about 70 yards away in a sandy wallow ina rocky gorge. On getting wind of the party it dashed into thick cover and from the noise apparently made straight up the hill side.
2. April 1944, early morning, standing near a stream. It made off.
3. March 1945, surprised on a game path on the spine of a bamboo covered ridge.
All animals were seen by different officers who were quite definite that the animal had only one horn. I do not accept this as indicating sondaicus, as this species is probably extinct in Arakan and does not haunt the hill crests like sumatrensis. The posterior horn is not likely to have been noticed by untrained observers.

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