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Khan, M., 1989. Asian Rhinos: an action plan for their conservation. Gland, IUCN, pp. i-iv, 1-23

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Action Plan, specific recommendations for Indonesia (Sumatran rhino)
1. Protection
Better protection is needed of the known viable rhino populations in Kerinci-Seblat, Gunung Leuser and Barisan Selatan National Parks in Sumatra. Such improved protection should include the following aspects:
- an increase in anti-poaching efforts;
- appropriate forms of sustainable development in the buffer-zones around these parks, to enable people to derive economic benefits from the protected areas;
- a public education programme on the importance of these national parks and their rhinos;
- a training programme for all levels of staff working in wildlife and protected area management. This should include training in captive management of rhino;
- formal gazettment of the national park at Kerinci-Seblat.
2. Monitoring
Monitoring should be done on as many rhino populations as possible on a regular basis to assess the trends, distribution, movement and habitat preferences of the species.
3. Capture and translocation
It is important to identify areas that are destined to be converted to other land uses incompatible with wildlife conservation, and hence determine whether it is necessary to translocate rhinos to another, safer area or into the captive population. The target area must have adequate habitat to sustain a viable population of rhino.
4. Research
Research on rhino populations in the national parks and other protected areas should be carried out with a view to determining their number, breeding performance and habitat requirements. It is also necessary in order to determine the threats to the animals in each area and to devise appropriate conservation action.
5. Trade
It is clear that an illegal trade eidsts in Sumatran rhino horn, from Sumatra to Singapore and possibly other countries. It is recommended that the governments concerned make a concerted effort to bring the situation under control. This trade is probably the most serious threat to the species at the present time.

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