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Roche, C., 2000. Notes on territory and home range size of white rhinoceros in the southern Timbavati. CCA Ecological Journal 2: 130-133

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Prior to the removal of the fence between the Kruger National Park (KNP) and the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve (TPNR) in 1992/3, the density of White Rhino in the Timbavati can be considered to have been unnaturally high. This is apparent from the changed situation post-1993. The dropping of the fence and the inclusion of the TPNR into the Greater-KNP meant that significant numbers of White Rhino moved into formerly lower density areas in the neighbouring national park (Dr. S. Joubert
Close observations of the movements and behaviour of White Rhino took place over a two year period in the Ngala study area of 14780ha straddling the Timbavati River and encompassing areas of granitoid plains with Colophospermum mopane woodland, granitoid plains with Combretum apiculatum woodland, and gabbroic plains with Acacia nigrescens savannah (Gertenbach, 1983; Roche, 2000a) and form the basis of this study.

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