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Natal Parks Board, 1953. Nature protection in Natal and Zululand. Oryx 2 (1): 16-18

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
On 29 August 1951 there occurred in Hluhluwe GR the death of the famous old bull black rhinoceros Matilda, who in recent years must surely have become the most photographed individual animal in the world and been directly responsible for visits to the reserve of innumerable tourists. Matilda has been known to Capt Potter since 1929, at which time, although already very old, the animal had both his horns. In 1934 the posterior horn was lost, presumably as the result of a fight, and thereafter Matilda was looked upon as an easily identifiable freak and often referred to as a one-horned species. Although the animal was widely known as `Matilda' it is not generally realized that this name dated only from the visits of Australian troops during World War II.

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