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Elliott, R.T., 1992. Lake Nakuru black rhinoceros sanctuary. Oryx 26 (3): 174-175

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
This sanctuary was always intended as a sanctuary for both black and white rhinos, and although the article was about the black rhino, and probably at the time the article was written only black rhino were present in the sanctuary, this point should have been mentioned.
In fact, at that time, I was Warden at Solio Came Reserve and we had very healthy populations of both black and white rhinos. It was, indeed, due to excess numbers of both species that the Rhino Rescue started. Solio was the only place in Kenya free from poaching and over the previous 14 years the populations of both species had steadily increased to the point that Peter Jenkins and I decided to take action to relieve the pressure and set up rhino sanctuaries elsewhere. Peter was, at that time stationed at Mweiga Park Headquarters of the Aberdare Park, not far from Solio. Once the government Wildlife Conservation and Management Service started trapping, word got out about the large numbers of rhino in Solio and poaching began.
In the introduction to the article it was stated that 17 animals came from Solio; in fact 15 came from Solio. When the reserve was started there were 19 rhinos present: 15 from Solio, two from the Conservation Department and two survivors from the original park stock. The statement that 'a further 11 females are due to be added to the park shortly', is pure speculation. In fact 6 white rhinos had been promised by Mr Parfet, owner of Solio, for the Reserve, free, at a meeting held before any captures started, and of these, at this date two have arrived. The only person who might have had knowledge of future intentions was Dr Dietter Rottcher, who affected the captures, or the Director, and both were likely to be fol- lowing my principle of saying as little as possible to reduce the risk of poaching.
On page 91 the figure quoted of 700 volts is inaccurate: around 7000 is aimed at, although often 3000 has to be accepted. Also on page 91 it was stated that rhinos were acclimatized in holding pens before being released into the sanctuary. In fact, all the rhinos caught at Solio were crate-trained there before being crated and released via a ramp directly into the sanc- tuary. The only rhinos kept in holding pens at Nakuru before release were animals that had been wounded in fights in the reserve or in transit and needed veterinary attention before release.
On page 94 it was stated that 19 black rhinos were present at the time the article was written, with one calf having been born since the sanctuary formed. This must be incorrect because there were 19 rhinos present as the founding stock and no death had been mentioned.

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